The type of magazine or mag does tend to vary from different types of guns, depending on manufacturer, caliber, capacity, gun type and/or model. However some manufactures utilize particular magazine styles in collaboration with other manufacturers for interchangeability and to be more user friendly. For Instance, B&T manufactures their APC9/45 Pro models with proprietary and Glock compatible magazines. They also utilize their proprietary magazine patterns across some of their platform line ups for their respective calibers for APC9/45, GHM9/45, KH9 and TP9 platforms. Their APC10 Pro solely utilizes Glock 10mm magazines and they also make a variant of the APC9 platform with Sig Sauer compatible magazines. Kriss, manufactures the Vector that is available in 9mm,.40S&W, .45ACP and 10mm and solely utilizes Glock pattern magazines in their respective calibers.

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